Public Perceptions on Energy and Environmental Policy

Farhar, Barbara C. and Timothy C. Coburn. 2005. “Energy Policy” in Polling America: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion. Samuel J. Best and Benjamin Radcliff (Eds.). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, pp 183-194.

Coburn, Timothy C. and Barbara C. Farhar. 2004. “Public Reaction to Renewable Energy Sources and Systems.” Encyclopedia of Energy, Vol. 5, pp. 207-222.

Coburn, Timothy C. and Barbara C. Farhar. 2003. “Public Response to Renewable Energy Sources and Systems.” Invited paper prepared for the Encyclopedia of Energy, completed September 30, 2003.

Farhar, Barbara C. and Jan Buhrmann. 1998.

Public Response to Grid-Tied Rooftop PV Systems in Colorado: A Qualitative Market Assessment.

NREL/TP-550-24004, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 72 pp.

Farhar, Barbara C. and Tim Coburn. 1999.

Colorado Homeowners Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.

NREL/TP-550-25285. June. 37 pp.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Energy and the Environment: The Public View.” Renewable Energy Policy Project

REPP Issue  Brief,

No. 3, College Park, MD: University of Maryland at College Park, 20 pp.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1995. Abstract of “Trends: Public Opinion About Energy.”

Public Opinion Quarterly,


Sociological Abstracts
, p. 1.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1994. “Trends: Public Opinion About Energy.”

Public Opinion Quarterly,

Winter Issue,

: 603-632.

JSTOR – Public Opinion Quarterly

Farhar, Barbara C. 1994. “Trends in U.S. Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.”

Annual Review of Energy and the Environment,


Peelle, Elizabeth B.

and Barbara C. Farhar.


Public Participation in Agency Decision Making: Some Lessons Learned

(Draft). Oak Ridge National Laboratory Technical Report, December, 73 pp.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1993. Trends in Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.

NREL/TP-461-4857, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, February, 376 pp.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1992. “Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy Policy.”

ACEEE 1992 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Human Dimensions,

Vol. 10,

Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, pp. 10.47-10.63.

Mileti, Dennis, Colleen Fitzpatrick, and Barbara C. Farhar. 1992. "Fostering Public Preparations for Natural Hazards: Lessons from the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction."

Environment, 34
:16-24, April.

Mileti, Dennis S., Barbara C. Farhar, Colleen Fitzpatrick, and Steven G. Helmericks. 1991. "Public Perception and Response to the Parkfield California Earthquake Prediction."

The Analysis, Communication, and Perception of Risk,

B.J. Garrick and W. C. Gekler (Eds.), New York: Plenum Press, pp. 321-334.

Mileti, Dennis S., Barbara C. Farhar, Colleen Fitzpatrick.


How to Issue and Manage Public Earthquake Risk Information: Lessons from the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment
. Fort Collins, CO: Hazards Assessment Laboratory and Department of Sociology, Colorado State University, 11 pp.

Mileti, Dennis S., Colleen Fitzpatrick, and Barbara C. Farhar. 1990.

Risk Communication and Public Response to the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment.

Final Report to the National Science Foundation, Fort Collins, CO: Hazard Assessment Laboratory and Department of Sociology, Colorado State University, December, 203 pp.

Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara and William R. Freudenburg. 1984. "Nuclear Energy in Perspective: A Comparative Assessment of the Public View."

Public Reactions to Nuclear Power: Are There Critical Masses?

William R. Freudenburg and Eugene A. Rosa (Eds.), Boulder, CO: American Association for the Advancement of Science/Westview Press, pp. 183-203.

Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara. 1983. "Surveys: What They Can and Cannot Tell Energy Policymakers."

Energy and Material Resources: Attitudes, Values and Public Policy.

W. David Conn (Ed.), Boulder, CO: American Association for the Advancement of Science/Westview Press, pp. 15-38.

Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara

and Charles T. Unseld. 1982.

America’s Solar Potential, A National Consumer Study
. New York: Praeger, 438 pp.

Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara. 1982.

Homeowners Survey: Gas Utilities and the Residential Solar Market.

A Joint Report for the American Gas Association Solar Energy Committee and the Solar Energy Research Institute, Washington, DC: American Gas Association, April, 71 pp.

Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara

and F. Floyd Shoemaker. l98l. "Public Communication Campaigns to Affect Energy Behavior."

Public Communication Campaigns
, R. Rice (Ed.), Sage Publi­cations, pp. 161-180.

Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara and Bill D’Allesandro. 1981. “A National Survey of Solar Homeowners,"

Solar Age
, September, pp. 28-3l.

Farhar, Barbara C., Charles T. Unseld, Rebecca Vories, and Robin Crews. 1980. "Public Opinion About Energy."

Ann. Rev. Energy, 5

Farhar, Barbara C., Pat Weis, Charles T. Unseld, and Barbara Burns. 1979.

Public Opinion About Energy: A Literature Review
.  SERI/TR-53-155, Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, June, 435 pp.


Farhar, Barbara C. 2001. “Sun, Wind, and Water, A Quiet Revolution in Renewable Energy,” Barbara C. Farhar, invited article in

Public Perception Magazine
, Vol. 12, Number 6, November-December 2001, pp. 40-42.

Jan Buhrmann and Barbara C. Farhar. 1999. “Willingness to Pay for Renewable Energy: A Follow-up Study of Colorado Homeowners,” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, August 21.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1999. “Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy: Highlights of Research.” Invited presentation at the Energy Marketing Research Conference, American Marketing Association, San Antonio, TX. May 26.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1999. Briefing on “Colorado Homeowner Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy” for the Governor’s Task Force on Utility Restructuring, NREL Visitor Center, April 16.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. “Public Response to Residential Grid-Tied PV in Colorado.” Presentation for U.S. Department of Energy staff, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, May 6.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. “Energy and Environment: The Public View and Public Response to Residential Grid-Tied PV in Colorado.” Presentation for the U.S. Department of Energy, Golden Field Office staff, April 23.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. “Energy and Environment: The Public View.” Presentation for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, March 20.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “Energy and Environment: The Public View.” Invited presentation at the Forum on Incorporating Renewable Energy in New York’s Energy Future and a Restructured Electric Utility Industry, Albany, NY, June 18.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and the Environment, Including Willingness to Pay and Where Do We Go from Here?” Brown Bag Seminar, NREL Management Team, June 27.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “U.S. and World Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and the Environment.” Institutional Issues Session, World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, CO, June 20.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Trends and Patterns in Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.” Invited speech at America Speaks Out on Energy: Results of Recent Public Opinion Polling, an Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) Capitol Hill Briefing, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC, March 22.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Public Preferences for Renewable Energy and the Need for Quality Market Research.” Presentation at the Soltech Conference, Palm Springs, CA, March 14.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1994. “Trends in Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.” Presentation at the Society of Human Ecology International Conference, East Lansing, MI, April 23.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1992. “Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy Policy.” Paper presented at the 1992 Summer Study of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, August 29.

Mileti, Dennis S., Barbara C. Farhar, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Steven G. Helmericks. 1989. "Public Perception and Response to the Parkfield, California Earthquake Prediction." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Session on Seismic Risk Perception, San Francisco, CA, October 31.

Farhar, Barbara C., Colleen Fitzpatrick, Steven Helmericks, and Dennis Mileti. 1989. "Public Earthquake Risk Perception and Response to Risk Communications." Presentation at the 14th Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 19.

Farhar, Barbara C., and Julia Mewes. 1975. "Public Response to Proposed Snowpack Augmentation in the Sierra Nevada." Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Meet­ing of Western Snow Conference, San Diego, April 24.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1974. "Weather Modification and Public Opinion in South Dakota, 1972 and 1973." Paper distributed to 293 respondents in the South Dakota longitudinal survey, November 8.

Including Willingness to Pay and Where Do We Go from Here?” Brown Bag Seminar, NREL Management Team, June 27.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “U.S. and World Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and the Environment.” Institutional Issues Session, World Renewable Energy Congress, Denver, CO, June 20.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Trends and Patterns in Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.” Invited speech at America Speaks Out on Energy: Results of Recent Public Opinion Polling, an Environmental and Energy Study Institute (EESI) Capitol Hill Briefing, Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC, March 22.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Public Preferences for Renewable Energy and the Need for Quality Market Research.” Presentation at the Soltech Conference, Palm Springs, CA, March 14.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1994. “Trends in Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy and Environmental Policy.” Presentation at the Society of Human Ecology International Conference, East Lansing, MI, April 23.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1992. “Public Perceptions and Preferences on Energy Policy.” Paper presented at the 1992 Summer Study of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA, August 29.

Mileti, Dennis S., Barbara C. Farhar, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Steven G. Helmericks. 1989. "Public Perception and Response to the Parkfield, California Earthquake Prediction." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Risk Analysis, Session on Seismic Risk Perception, San Francisco, CA, October 31.

Farhar, Barbara C., Colleen Fitzpatrick, Steven Helmericks, and Dennis Mileti. 1989. "Public Earthquake Risk Perception and Response to Risk Communications." Presentation at the 14th Annual Hazards Research and Applications Workshop, Boulder, CO, July 19.

Farhar, Barbara C., and Julia Mewes. 1975. "Public Response to Proposed Snowpack Augmentation in the Sierra Nevada." Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Meet­ing of Western Snow Conference, San Diego, April 24.

Farhar, Barbara C. 1974. "Weather Modification and Public Opinion in South Dakota, 1972 and 1973." Paper distributed to 293 respondents in the South Dakota longitudinal survey, November 8.