Farhar, Barbara C. and Timothy C. Coburn. 2000. “Some Recent Research on the Markets for Residential Renewable Energy.” in Proceedings of the 2000 ACEEE, Efficiency and Sustainability, Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Washington, DC: American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, pp. 8.93-8.108.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1999. Willingness to Pay for Electricity from Renewable Resources: A Review of Utility Market Research. NREL/TP.550.26148. July. 22 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. Willingness to Pay for Renewable Electricity: A Review of Utility Market Research. NREL/TP-555-25765, Topical Issue Brief, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 22 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. Invited Book Review of Energy in World History (1994) by V. Smil. Society & Natural Resources, An International Journal, 9:655-657.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Ashley H. Houston. 1996. Willingness to Pay for Electricity from Renewable Energy. NREL/TP-460-21216, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, September, 25 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Ashley H. Houston. 1996. “Willingness to Pay for Electricity from Renewable Energy.” Proceedings of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy 1996 Summer Study, Pacific Grove, CA, Vol. 9, August, pp. 9.65-9.76.
Reinking, Roger F., Neil H. Berg, Barbara C. Farhar, and Olin H. Foehner, Jr. 1995. “Economic, Environmental, and Societal Aspects of Precipitation Enhancement by Cloud Seeding.” Guidelines for Cloud Seeding to Augment Precipitation, A.M. Kahan, D. Rottner, R. Sena, and C.G. Keyes, Jr. (Eds.), ASCE Manual of Professional Practice, No.81, NY: American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 9-47.
Babiuch, William M. and Barbara C. Farhar. 1994. Stakeholder Analysis Methodologies Resource Book. NREL/TP-461-5857, 104 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C., Rebecca Vories, and Catriona C. MacKirnan. 1994. “The Use of Financial Incentives to Promote Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Costs and Benefits.” Reprinted in Energizing the Energy Policy Process: The Impact of Evaluation, Roberta W. Walsh and John G. Heilman (Eds.), Westport, CT: Quorum Books, pp. 13-25.
Collins, Nancy E., Barbara C. Farhar, William M. Babiuch, and Jan Eckert. 1994. A Plan for Evaluating Alternative Approaches to Financing Energy Improvements in Housing. NREL/TP-461-6688, August, 147 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C., Rebecca Vories, Jan Eckert, Tom Ferguson, and Susan Anson. 1994. Impacts of Incentives on Energy Use in Buildings (Preliminary Draft). Barbara C. Farhar, NREL Technical Report, Washington, DC: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, April, 247 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1993. “Environment and Technology Student Paper Award.” Footnotes, Washington, DC: American Sociological Association, October, p. 7.
Farhar, Barbara C., Catriona C. MacKirnan, and Fred H. Abel. 1991. An Inventory of Analysis, Modeling, and Data Base Projects for Fiscal Year 1991, Office of Conservation and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy. National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Washington, DC, October 15, 110 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1991. “Environmental Issues in Planning R&D for Building Energy Technologies in the United States.” Proceedings of the 1991 International Symposium on Energy and Environment, August 25-28, Espoo, Finland, Atlanta: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., pp. 121-126.
Farhar, Barbara C., Rebecca Vories, and Catriona C. MacKirnan. 1991. “The Use of Financial Incentives to Promote Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Costs and Benefits.” Proceedings of the National Energy Program Evaluation Conference: Energy Program Evaluation: Uses, Methods, and Results, Chicago: Argonne National Laboratory, August 22, pp. 338-345.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1991. “Toward a Sociology of Energy.” Sociological Practice Review, 2:81-86, April.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1991. “Toward a Sociology of Energy.” Footnotes, 19:6, No. 9, February.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. “Environmental Issues in Planning Buildings Energy Efficiency R&D.” Proceedings of the ACEEE 1990 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Washington, DC, American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, September, pp. 4.31-4.33.
Farhar, Barbara C., Marilyn A. Brown, Bryan L. Mohler, Michael Wilde, and Fred H. Abel. 1990. A Planning Framework for Transferring Building Energy Technologies. SERI/TP-260-3729, Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, July, 183 pp.; Executive Summary, SERI/TP-260-3881, August, 11 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. Transferring Building Energy Technologies by Linking Government and Private-Sector Programs. SERI/TP-260-3716, Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, August, 63 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Fred H. Abel. 1989. A Framework for Planning Energy Conservation R&D for Buildings. Office of Buildings and Community Systems, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Energy, April, 82 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C, and Colleen Fitzpatrick. 1989. Effects of Feedback on Residential Electricity Consumption: A Literature Review. SERI/TR_254_3386, Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, January, 21 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Colleen Fitzpatrick. 1989. Small Business Energy Conservation Programs: A Literature Review. SERI/TR_254_3387, Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, January, 36 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Fred H. Abel. 1988. “An Analysis of Private Sector Input on Buildings Energy Conservation R&D Needs.” Proceedings from the International Symposium on Energy Options for the Year 2000: Contemporary Concepts in Technology and Policy, Volume 3, Energy and Buildings, Newark, DE: University of Delaware, pp. 3.95-3.101.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara, Roy Popkin, Dennis Mileti, and Jonathon Shefner. 1985. Unmet Needs of Disaster Victims in the United States. Fort Collins, CO: Hazards Assessment Laboratory, Colorado State University, November, 21 pp.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara, Donald Searls, John Kalk and Donald Phillips. 1984. State Education Policy and Academic Achievement: An Exploratory Study. Denver: Education Commission of the States, January, 31 pp.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara, Charles T. Unseld and Jerome Williams. 1981. National Study of the Residential Solar Consumer: Decision Factors and Experiences, Preliminary Summary Report. SERI/SP-513-1209, May, 38 pp.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara and Bill D’Allesandro. 1981. “A National Study of the Residential Solar Consumer.” Solar Age, 6:22-26, April.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2002. “U.S. Department of Energy Solicitation for the Development of Renewable Energy on Tribal Lands.” Presentation to the Nevada Indian Commission Tribal Summit, Reno, Nevada, February 15.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Timothy C. Coburn. 2000. “Some Recent Research on the Markets for Residential Renewable Energy.” Presentation at the 2000 ACEEE, Efficiency and Sustainability, Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Pacific Grove, California, August 23.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2000. “Electricity Customers and Green Power.” Presentation at the Green Power Choice Workshop for Colorado Municipal Utilities sponsored by Western Area Power Administration, Aspen, CO, July 13.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2000. “Consumer Survey Results and Design Issues for Green Power Programs.” Presentation for the Florida Utilities Workshop on Green Power, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cocoa Beach, FL, March 9.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2000. “Consumer Survey Results and Design Issues,” Presentation for the Green Power Workshop, organized by Commonwealth Edison, Unicom, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Chicago, IL, January 28.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1999. “Environmental Concern Motivating Solar Purchases.” Invited presentation, session on “Solar Energy and the Environment,” SOLTECH 99, Kansas City, MO. April 21.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. “Green Power Market Research.” Invited presentation to Public Service of New Mexico Green Pricing Workshop, Albuquerque, NM, May.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. “A Research Design to Analyze the Effect of Energy Costs on Mortgage Default Rates.” Working paper for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, February 22.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “Green Power Market Potential.” Invited presentation at the TVA Green Pricing Workshop, Chattanooga, TN, November 19.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “National and International Perceptions of Energy and Environmental Policy. ” Invited presentation to Professor Russ McGoodwin’s Graduate Seminar in Environmental Policy, Department of Anthropology, University of Colorado, Boulder, November 11.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “What Do Your Customers Want? How Do You Know?” Invited presentation at the DOE/EPRI Second National Green Pricing and Green Power Marketing Conference, Corpus Christi, TX, May 13-14.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “Turning Customer Interest into Willing-to-Pay Partners.” Invited panelist, UPVG Annual Utility PV Experience Conference and Exhibition, Lakewood, CO, October 16.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “The Virginia Experience with Energy Efficiency Financing: An Evaluation Case Study (Draft).” Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, May, 35 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “What Customers Say and What They Do: The Importance of Quality Market Research.” Presentation at the DOE/EPRI Green Pricing Workshop, Golden, CO, April 11.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1994. “What Americans Think about Energy and the Environment: A Trend Analysis.” Invited presentation to the Cooperative Energy Education graduate students, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, October.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1994. “Letter Report on the Biofuels Facility Siting Study” (Draft). September 30, 26 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1993. “Noneconomic Decision Factors.” Presentation at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Planning and Assessment Program Review, Washington, DC, November 4.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1993. “What Americans Think about Energy and the Environment.” Plenary Address, Energy and Communications Workshop, American Public Power Association, Scottsdale, AZ, October 18.
Babiuch, William and Barbara C. Farhar. 1993. “Stakeholder Analysis Methodologies.” Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Miami, FL, August.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1993. “A National Collaborative Process on Financing Residential Energy Improvements: A Retrospective.” Presentation at session on Human Dimensions of Energy and the Environment, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, MA, February 15.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1991. “FY 1991-92 Behavioral Analysis Activities for the Office of Planning and Assessment, Office of Conservation and Renewable Energy.” Presentation at the Analysis Program Review, U.S. Department of Energy,Washington, DC, November 11.
Farhar, Barbara C., Fred H. Abel, Andrew K. Nicholls, and John P. Millhone. 1991. “Environmental Issues in Planning Building Energy Technologies R&D in the United States.” Paper presented at the 1991 International Symposium on Energy and Environment, Espoo, Finland, August 25-28.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1991. “Report on the Brown-Bag Seminars: Toward a Social Science Research Agenda.” Washington, DC, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, July.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. “Toward a Social Science Research Agenda for Office of Conservation and Renewable Energy.” Presentation at the DOE Brown Bag Seminar Series, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, November 29.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. “DOE’s Office of Building Technologies Technology Transfer Planning Project.” Invited briefing for the Deputy Assistant Secretaries, Office of Conservation and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, October 18.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. “The Impact of National Energy Policy on Potentially Affected Groups: A Concept Paper.” Golden, CO: Solar Energy Research Institute, August, 59 pp.
Fitzpatrick, Colleen, Dennis S. Mileti, and Barbara C. Farhar. 1990. “Citizen Perception and Response to Risk Communications during the Parkfield Earthquake Prediction Experiment: An Overview of Findings.” Paper presented at the Meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee on Disaster at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC, August 11.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. “Federal Technology Transfer Planning for the Office of Building Technologies Energy R&D Program.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Washington, DC, August 11-15.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1990. Abstracts of seven papers in two sessions on the Sociology of Energy at the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association, Spokane, WA, April 5-8.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1989. “Experiments in Alternative Energy Program Design.” Presentation and discussion section, Conference on Energy Program Evaluation: Conservation and Resource Management, Chicago, IL, August 24.
Farhar, Barbara C. (Ed.) 1989. Experiments in Alternative Energy Program Design, Report Series, Volume One: “Experiments in Alternative Energy Program Design,” Barbara C. Farhar, 45 pp.; Volume Two: “Evaluation of the Boston Edison Company åEASY-Plus’ Disaggregated Utility Electric Usage Analysis,” Stephen J. Morgan, 50 pp.; Volume Three: “Massachusetts Home Energy Assistance Team,” Nancy Schalch and Marika Tatsutani, 139 pp.; Volume Four: “Small Commercial Energy Efficiency: Lessons from a Successful Program,” Craig B. Smith, 63 pp.; Volume Five: “North Carolina Alternative Energy Corporation Downtown Small Business Demonstration Project,” Meredith Emmett and William Stevens, 39 pp.; Volume Six: “The Diffusion of Information about Energy Cost Reduction to Religious Congregations,” Andrew Rudin, 64 pp.; Volume Seven: “United Way’s Energy Service Delivery to Nonprofit Organizations: The View from a National Office,” Martin I. Scherr, 36 pp. and “Designing Local Energy Programs for Nonprofits: A Micro-level Perspective,” Susan Stamler; Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, March.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1988. “Reviews of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Buildings and Community Systems Program.” Paper presented at the 1988 Summer Study, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1988. “Diffusion of Innovations Concepts: Selected Implications for Office of Buildings and Community Systems Analysis and Technology Transfer.” Presentation at the BCS
Farhar, Barbara C. 1986. “Unmet Needs of Disaster Victims.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, New York City, August 29-September 4.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1986. “Market Characterization and Potentials Assessment.” Paper presented at the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy Summer Study, Santa Cruz, CA, August.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1985. “Climate-Society Interactions.” Paper presented at the Illinois State Water Survey, Urbana, IL, March 19.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1984. “The Relationship of State Academic Policy and Academic Achievement.” Paper presented at the Large-Scale Assessment Conference, Boulder, CO, June.
Williams, Jerome D., and Barbara Farhar-Pilgrim. 1982. “Minority Consumers and Residential Solar Use.” Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern Marketing Association, New Orleans, LA, August.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1982. “Results of the National Study of the Residential Solar Consumer.” Invited lecture at the Governor’s SOLARCAL Council meeting, Sacramento, CA, February 1982.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara C. 1981. “Next Likely Residential Solar Owners.” Invited presentation to the American Gas Association Solar Committee, Boston, MA, October 18-19.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara C. 1981. “Identifying the Solar Market.” Invited presentation to the American Gas Association Solar Committee, Denver, CO, May 12-13.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara C. 1981. “National Study of the Residential Solar Consumer: Overview and Homeowners Survey.” Presentation at Solar Market Analysis and Research Symposium/Contractor Review, Albuquerque, NM, February 11-13.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara C. 1981. “National Study of the Residential Solar Consumer: Preliminary Findings.” Paper presented at the American Gas Association Solar Committee Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 17.
Farhar-Pilgrim, Barbara C., and F. Floyd Shoemaker. 1980. “National Study of the Residential Solar Consumer.” Invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Communication Association, Acapulco, Mexico, May 23.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1977. “The TASH Adoption Analysis.” Paper presented at the American Association for the Advancement of Science Meeting, Denver, CO, February 24.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1976. “The Sierra Survey: Highlights of Findings.” Boulder: Human Ecology Research Services, Inc., paper for 200 respondents in the Sierra survey in CA, February 20.
Haas, J. Eugene, Barbara C. Farhar, Patricia B. Trainer, and Janice R. Hutton. 1975. “Can Sociologists Influence Governmental Policy?” Paper presented at Midwest Sociological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, April 9-12.