Farhar, Barbara C. and Timothy C. Coburn. 2000.
A Market Assessment of Homeowner Response to Residential Grid-Tied PV Systems in Colorado. NREL/TP-550-25383, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. September. 209 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Timothy C. Coburn. 2000.
A Market Assessment of Homeowner Response to Residential Grid-Tied PV Systems in Colorado, Executive Summary.
NREL/TP-550-28872, Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. September. 15 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Marc Roper. 1998. “Understanding Residential Grid-Tied PV Customers and Their Willingness to Pay Today’s Costs: A Qualitative Assessment. ”Proceedings of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 1998 Summer Study Program,
Pacific Grove, CA, Vol. 8, August, pp.8.55-8.67.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2000. “A Study of Colorado Homeowner Markets for Grid-tied PV.” Presentation for the Utility Photo Voltaics Group, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, March 14, 2000.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1999. “A Market Assessment of Residential Grid-Tied PV Systems in Colorado.” Invited presentation for the Colorado Legislative Luncheon, Colorado Historical Society, Denver, CO. February 26.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1998. “A Market Assessment of Residential Grid-Tied PV Systems in Colorado.” Invited presentation at the Colorado Renewable Energy Forum, Golden, CO, December 1, 1998.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Jan Buhrmann. 1998. “Understanding Residential Grid-Tied PV Customers and Their Willingness to Pay Today’s Costs: A Qualitative Assessment.” Paper presented at American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, August 23, 13 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “Potential Grid-Tied Rooftop PV Customers Willing to Pay Today’s Costs.” Invited presentation at the Second Annual Utility Photovoltaic Experience Conference and Exhibition, Albuquerque, NM, October 30. (Published in the Conference Proceedings, Washington, DC: Utility Photo Voltaic Group, pp. 443-452.)
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “Characteristics of Potential Grid-Tied Rooftop PV Customers Willing to Pay Today’s Costs.” Invited presentation at the Second Annual Utility Photovoltaic Experience Conference and Exhibition, Albuquerque, NM, October 29.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “Net Metering: Preferences of Potential Candidates for the Colorado Rooftop PV Program.” Invited presentation at the Net Metering Workshop, Colorado Office of Energy Conservation, Denver, CO, June 4.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1997. “Ideas for Utility Market Research and the Colorado Rooftop PV Market Assessment.” Invited presentation for Utility PhotoVoltaic Group’s 1997 Annual Meeting during the Solar Energy Forum, Washington, DC, April 25-30.
Farhar, Barbara C. 1996. “The Proposed PV-VALUE Market Research.” Presentation to Colorado Sun Services, Denver, CO, June.