Farhar, Barbara C. 2002. “Geothermal Access to Federal and Tribal Lands.” GRC Transactions 26: 611-615
Farhar, Barbara C. 2004.
Evaluation of the Geothermal Public Power Utility Workshops in California.
NREL/TP-550-36637. Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory. September. 60 pp.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Paul Dunlevy. 2003. “Native American Issues in Geothermal Energy.” Presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Geothermal Resources Council, Morelia, Mexico. October 12-15, 2003,
GRC Transactions
Farhar, Barbara C. and Donna M. Heimiller. 2003.
Opportunities for Near-Term Geothermal Development on Public Lands in the Western United States.
CD-ROM with report, maps, and GIS data. Golden, CO: U.S. Department of Energy, National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Report No. DOE/GO-102003-1707. April. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy03osti/33105.pdf.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2002. “Geothermal Access to Federal and Tribal Lands.”
GRC Transactions 26:
Farhar, Barbara C. 2001. “Seeking Solutions. Government-Industry Workshops Address Ongoing Problems for Siting Geothermal Energy Facilities on U.S. Federal Lands.”
Geothermal Bulletin 30: 134-138.
Farhar, Barbara C. and Paul Dunlevy. 2003. “Native American Issues in Geothermal Energy.” Presentation at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Geothermal Resources Council, Morelia, Mexico. October 12-15, 2003.
Nix, Gerald and Barbara C. Farhar. 2002. “Geothermal Energy: Government Initiatives in Partnership with Industry.” Presentation at the International Energy Conference and Exposition, Reno, Nevada, November 14.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2002. “Geothermal Access to the Public Lands.” Presentation at the International Energy Conference and Exposition, Reno, Nevada, November 13.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2002. “Geothermal Access to Federal and Tribal Lands: A Progress Report.” Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Geothermal Resources Council, Reno, Nevada, September 25.
http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy02osti/32204.pdf (PDF 434 KB).
Farhar, Barbara C. 2002. “Opportunities for Near-Term Geothermal Development at Public Lands.” Presentation at the Bureau of Land Management’s National Fluid Minerals Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah. May 15.
Boddy, Sara, Gerald Nix, and Barbara C. Farhar. 2001. “GeoPowering the West NREL Activities – Let’s Harness the Earth’s Energy.” Presentation to the GeoPowering the West Meeting, Washington, D.C., December 11.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2001. “Tribal Opportunities in Geothermal Energy.” Presentation to the Inter-Tribal Energy Network and DOE/NREL Strategic Planning Session, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado, December 4.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2001. “Results from Two Informal Workshops on Geothermal Facility Siting Issues at Federal Lands.” Presentation at the 2001 Geothermal Resources Council Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, August 28.
Farhar, Barbara C. 2001. “Report on an Informal Workshop on Geothermal Facility Siting Issues at Federal Lands,” Golden, CO: National Renewable Energy Laboratory, February, 32 pp.