Energy Efficiency

Lee, David, Rick Nevin, and Barbara C. Farhar.  1998.  “The Market Value of Energy Efficiency:  What Have We Learned?  What Do We Still Need to Learn?”

Proceedings of the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy 1998 Summer Study Program,

Pacific Grove, CA, Vol.2, August, pp. 2.103-2.113.

Farhar, Barbara C., Nancy E. Collins, and Roberta Ward Walsh.  1997.  Case Studies of Energy Efficiency Financing in the Original Five Pilot States, 1993-1996.  NREL/TP-550-22355, Golden, CO:  National Renewable Energy Laboratory, May 1997, 362 pp.


Farhar, Barbara C.  1988.  “Innovative Energy Efficiency Program Delivery for Homes, Small Businesses, and Nonprofits.”  Workshop Organizer and overview presenter, and “Review of Innovative Energy Programs for Homes, Small Businesses, and Nonprofits.”  Informal Session Organizer and overview presenter, 1988 Summer Study, American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, Pacific Grove, CA, August 30.